Hi there! I’d like to introduce myself and let you know what this is all about. My name is Lester Tateyama (read my personal blog here) and I intend to help as many people as I can become internet marketers like myself who are self-sufficient and sustainable over the long run. This will include various strategies and methods that all take time, money and commitment to not only implement, but to ultimately see the fruits of the labour that I put into my business. This is an opportunity to see everything as it happens (or you maybe reading this years later) because I am writing this as I am doing. Talk the talk and walk the walk. Doing is the other half of the great idea I have. A great idea is nothing without the doing. So here we are. A beginning to a wonderful life for us all!
By the tagline of this page that includes a Beastie Boys song title or maybe by the title of this post that sounds an awful lot like The Scorpions “Rock You like a Hurricane”, you can perhaps tell that I like music (a lot). You can also maybe pick up a little attempt at humour with the lyrical twist. This is how I roll! Music and humour bring people together and can be healing to your soul, your mind and I believe, your body. I don’t really intend to anaesthetize you to the point of oblivion. Rather, I hope to “wow” you with my honesty, commitment and ultimately, results to you, the ones that are reading this right now. Thank you for being here and I won’t let you down.
Internet marketing isn’t easy. It’s not for everyone. A lot of people who look to internet marketing as a viable business aren’t actually suited to be internet marketers. This is because it takes a certain type of person, a personality to be successful. Someone who can maintain the discipline to keep up with what needs to be done on a daily basis. And then understanding how to “systemize”, scale and outsource to maximize profits to staggering figures you may have not thought possible. The effort-profit ratio can be extremely high but the effort-value ratio is magnitudes higher as you build your brand and your business reach.
I hope that I’ve shown a little bit of the depth of knowledge I have in the field of internet marketing, however shallow and general it may be at this point. I just want reassure you that I do know what I am talking about and how to get there. Keep following and copy the good stuff, the things that pertain to you and your business because that’s the bottom line, the success of your business. And my business in part depends (quite a bit actually) on your business. Thank you once again for being here and reading this. Look forward for more sharing and caring!